Tuesday, April 17, 2007

What It Means To Be a Woman/mHolland

I was up at 8 am one morning knowing over break I would have a paper to write . I was online and could see my moms screen name was on .I said to myself wow my mother would be a really interesting woman to ask these questions, I have been assigned she had no response to my hello. My sister soon had signed online and I knew right then she was the perfect one for this paper I had to write up. So I began asking…

What does it mean for you to be a woman? “Being a woman to me means that I have made it through childhood my teenage years which are tough ones for girls. Also it means that I have developed into a woman who is ready to take on the world. I feel that it also means that one day I will be able to mother my own children, which is one of a few things woman can do in which men can’t.

How do you define a Woman? “The female human being, one who by nature possesses kind, caring, gentle, characteristics, motherly, sympathetic and supportive Also in the recent, I believe 50 years, women have really moved up when it comes to overall job quality, which we suffered with in the past. We now see some female CEO’s, Doctors and lawyers.

Recently I went to watch surgeries and was the only woman in all of the operating rooms. All the doctors, nurses and surgical technicians (males), were constantly telling me this is where all the girls pass out and cant handle it. I thought to myself “well you know what I am going to prove all of the men that I can hang with them.” Every couple minutes one of the men would say something that I feel would increase the chances of getting sick in the OR. I remember one man saying “what about the smell the sounds” I continued to tell them that I was fine. I proved to the entire male staff and myself during the first and second day in the OR and was asked to scrub in, put gloves, coat on and hold tools and assist the surgeries. Standing up for ones self is a challenging one for females, I feel during this event I stood up for myself and proved that I could participate in the same job surroundings as males.

Doing this interview on instant messenger at 8 in the morning I learned many things I have never known about my sister and her strengths as a woman . I realized myself we both have changed a lot over the past years and for the better at that. I realized that we are adults now and we are the ones now sculpting our own future.


At 1:49 PM, Blogger McKittrick said...

I liked your interview a lot. I think you did a good job. Did you get to know your sister a little bit more?

At 1:59 PM, Blogger Sofia said...

I like the complicity you have created with your sister in this interview. It's nice to be aware of growing up, together.I'd like my brother to interview me,unfortunately we are far away and moreover he hates to use computer. Poor me!

At 8:49 PM, Blogger Denise said...

Matt, what a wonderful interview and I'm glad you found it fruitful. Of course, I'm curious about the relationship with your sister. Do you spend time together these days? Did you spend a lot of time together as children?

At 8:01 PM, Blogger Denise said...

Here I am again Matt. I reread your oral history and found it very interesting. I have a question for your sister. Does she find herself getting ready to face the male behavior before she enters a room with male peers? Does she find that she is not able to relax?

How about you? Did the interview make you think about your future when interacting with women?


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