Power of A Woman/ R. Castillo
I interviewed my mom who I think is a strong woman because she has dealt with everything that has been thrown at her. She is 43 years old and was born and raised here in Santa Barbara. She is the youngest of nine children and has five children herself; also one grandchild. She works all day and is still able to come home and have fun with her grandson and make sure everything is in order.
What does the word “woman” mean to you?
I think the importance of being a woman is becoming a mother. Being a mother of five children is a very important role to me personally. It’s a job that I love because I am able to have fun with my kids as well as be serious with them. I think being able to succeed in raising my children on my own shows that a woman is strong enough to stand on her own two feet without the help of a man.
Is that all it means to you, just motherhood?
No, I also feel that being a woman doesn’t mean you have to be in the kitchen all the time, you can do just as much as a man can do if you set your mind to it. Women can do the same job a man can, and maybe even better. I work in the kitchen at work, then I come home and cook again for my kids, but that isn’t the only thing I do. I also go out and do the gardening and keep the house clean inside and out.
Is there an event in your life that has challenged you as a woman?
Losing your father after the 20 years we were together really challenged me as a woman. It was a difficult time for me because I had to do things on my own; there wasn’t someone next to me helping me make decisions. I had to make sure you and your brothers and sisters were getting things done like usual in between working a full day and having to come home and cook dinner. Handling five children on my own was difficult because everyone wanted my attention all at once and it felt like I needed to make clones of myself to go around. I was able to talk to you and your sisters fine because I was able to give you advice on issues you brought up. Talking to your brothers was another story. I knew they needed to talk to someone but I couldn’t be that person because it had to do with guy issues and guys aren’t supposed to talk to their mothers about those kind of issues.
Interviewing my mother for this project has shown me that I can be strong no matter what has obstacles come my way. She is a stong woman who I look up to. I hope I can get through things just like she has without giving up.
What a woman! What a serious and amazing story! And your mother has a sense of humor. When I read what she said, "make clones of myself," I laughed out loud. I read your story and I always realize that women survive and show an incredible amount of strength. The story reminds me of my mother. I would look at her and just wish that I could have the energy and strength she showed as she supported us through the years.
Thank her for sharing with us. She is an inspiration to many others I am sure.
Where did she turn when she felt overwhelmed?
Hi Rachel,
Your are blessed with a very strong Mom like her who never gave up. Having five children to race by herself is such a challenging tasked. I wish my Mom is a strong as she is .
Hello Rachel,
Even I don't have children so that I can't tell how it feels to raise children - I just can imagine how challenging it must be - also managing everything alone. Your mom must be a strong woman!
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