Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Looking up to my sister/nGarcia

I interviewed my sister becasue she is always someone that makes me proud. Her name is Angelica she is 23 years old and a UCSB graduate. She put herself through college, and she is also raising me. She works hard in school earning honors at the university. She makes me want to be a better person. When I asked her...

What does being a women mean to you?

For me being is having confidence, respect for myself, being self sufficient and having a career. This is important becasue as a woman I want to have control of my future.

What events in your life challenged your womanhood?

For me my whole adolescent life challenged my womanhood. I had a mother who was not there for me or my brothers and sisters. Many times as a child I had to be the adult and raise my younger siblings. We had no stable father figure as well which was also challenging. My mother wasn't a very good women role model. She was very unstable. This drove me to become better...different...opposite of what she was. For me education was my driving force. This helped get through the tough times. I would just indulge myself in my studies and forget about the world around me. This has taught me to become independent and self sufficient. It feels good to be 23, have a degree, and own a home. It feels even better knowing that I can do anything I put my mind to. Especially someone like me with limited resources and everything working against me.

What this interview taught me?

This interview taught me that if i work hard enough I can be as succesful as my sister. I can still work hard even though I have problems at home or with friends. I can still overcome these issues and become succesful.


At 2:07 PM, Blogger Sweet Young Journey said...

I was completely inspired when I read this story. I love to hear she was faced with challenges and was still able to accomplish so many goals.


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