Flo-oral history #2 - Sylvia - Canada
“Black female slaves were called upon to do more than domestic chores for their masters. Sylvia was a servant of Colonel John Creighton of lunenburg. On 1 July 1782 the town was invaded by soldiers from the strife-ridden American colonies. Sylvia shuyttled cartridges hidden in her apron from Creitghton’s house to the fort where he and his soldiers were engaged in battle.”
Sylvia’s story amazed me. Never before the start of my own inquiry into the lives of black women had I heard of the bravery of black women who, for many years, lived as slaves to men, women, and children who supported a sadistic and genocidal institution. Their identities and their contributions were like gaping holes in the universe. They were there to be discovered. The history of black women has been buried deep in the soil of American history and Sylvia’s story is a small part of the excavation process.
I opened my mind; I explored the past; eventually, I found her, Sylvia, partly exposed in a book of history written by women, I dug a little deeper and Slyvia shared some more of her story with me.
Yaari: Sylvia, you are the second woman on my list of interviewees. Your story caught my attention. I am amazed at your bravery. Please share your story with me. Tell me a little about yourself.
Sylvia: Well… ummh… let’s see. I am not accustomed to talking about myself. But, I will try for you. You remind me of my sister; she was sold last year. I’ve been with Colonel John Creighton for a few years. I have three children with him so I do whatever I can to keep them safe. He is kind to the children, but when he’s upset with me he threatens to sell them. I couldn’t live without them. They are all I have. This war frightens me, but I think of my children and I can do anything.
Yaari: Sylvia, this might sound like a silly question in light of the circumstances you must endure as a slave and as the mother of the colone’s children, but what is the greatest challenge you have faced as a woman?
Sylvia: Oh.. child, that one is not hard to answer. I remember it as if it were yesterday. It was the time the master made me in carry the gun bullets from the house to the soldiers while they were fighting. My heart beat so hard, I almost choked on it. I couldn’t stand the blood and the noise; I waited for one of those bullets to rip open my chest. I had to stop myself from thinking and just keep going. I knew that if I died my children would suffer. During the fighting I saved the Colone’s son, but it didn’t buy my freedom and whe they gave money to the brave soldiers none was given to me.
Yaari: Sylvia, you mentioned that your children would suffer if you died. What do you mean?
Sylvia: It just makes me cold to think of it. But, I know that the colonel only keeps them safe because he has me. I am the one who has been cooking and cleaning for him over the years. In spite of his wife and children, he keeps me as his woman. If I die, he wouldn’t hesitate to sell my children and that could mean that they would end up in different places never to see each other again. I know what that is like and the thought of it happening to my children makes me shake.
Yaari: What a horrible situation to be in Sylvia. What do you do to protect yourself and the children?
Sylvia: I obey every command. I have sex with him when he wants; I cook and I clean from sun up to sun down. I try not to get him angry. I go to church; I pray hard and I try not to hate, but I can’t help it. I keep watch over my children like a hawk.
Yaari: Sylvia thanks for talking to me. Your story makes me think of the future.
As my conversation with Sylvia came to an end, I sat there lost in thought. What would I do in Sylvia’s situation? How would I survive? How would I keep my sanity? My conversations with the women of history were making me understand the unbelievable strength of women in the midst of what seemed like a prison with no means of escape.
The part that really caught my attention was the hardest part of her life.It was nothing really to do with the whole slavery thing it was taking bullets to the soldiers. So it was kind of crazy cause as were taught slavery was a horrible thing. You would think that being separated from family would be the hardest.
In this interview with Sylvia, the part that caught my eye was what she would do to keep her children safe. Those are the things that show me how strong of a person she is. I know that if a guy ever told me to do something for him that I didn't want to do, i wouldn't be able to do it. i feel like i would lose so much respect for myself. You would think cleaning the house and making dinner would be enough for this man.
This story really caught my attention it was more about her life, not necessarily her slave life. The part that caught my attention the most is her life with Colonel John Creighton and how she is all about pleasing him and making sure that she doesn't do anything to upset him.
I really appreciate her brave. If I were her, I would give up my life. I cannot imagine that I live for someone, not for myself. Although I appreciate her, I do not want to be her. Her life seems hopeless and I want to do what I want, no burden.
I really appreciate her brave. If I were her, I would give up my life. I cannot imagine that I live for someone, not for myself. Although I appreciate her, I do not want to be her. Her life seems hopeless and I want to do what I want, no burden.
The history of Sylvia was really sad,and i am glad that the slavery ended at this times, the part that caught my attention was when she said that she hasn't kill herself just because she doesn't want her children to suffer, and i think she is the kind of mother every human wants to have........"Good job with the interview"...
This interview was quite sad. This lady went through some tough stuff.I cant believe how casual she said her sister was sold last year. I cant imagine living in that time period when family or friends were to be sold.
Your story really touched me and it amazed me that people are actually like that where they keep women just for sex and to help clean. I have never heard a personal story before, and it really touched me. Its horrible how she would have to stay with the man just to protect her children, what a wonderful and strong mother.
This was a very interesting blog to read. It was amazing how people are still alive to tell the story about slavery. It must of been hard for her to do what ever her master told her to do with her children's life on the line. It must of given her motivation to continue to live. It must be very hard for the slaves to live without any rewards besides the reward of staying alive.
This story was sad but still good because the women was a brave one. She could have killed herself but she wanted to stay alive for her children. She is a women that wants to please people like her family and John Creighton.
In this interview with Sylvia, it make me really caught my attention. If i were her, i couldn't stand it which is rape and slave something like that. I am deep impressed with her brave, even though i don't think about to be her, i know that she is really strong woman.
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